Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sony support helped to solve my laptop problems

There is no doubt about it- a mother of two kids would always find it tough to double up as a freelance journalist. But I am glad that with the right discipline and attitude, I have been able to do a decent job till now. My specialty lies in doing art and entertainment reviews for a local daily. Freelance journalism for me is like running my own business, where I am my own CEO, CMO, and also manage the R&D department. As a wife and mother of two kids aged four and two, working in a home-office environment allows me to be more flexible to my work schedule as well as take care of my family's needs.

Maintaining a database is an essential part of my daily work. I get most of my ideas by reading obscure art magazines and insider websites, and then I sell the story idea to the mainstream media. I do keep a daily pitch in the sense that I type down new ideas that seem interesting to me. I just pick up the best idea and pitch it to the editors. What keeps me going is my to-do-list on my Sony Laptop. I always categorize the list subject-wise so that it is handy when I need it. This method always gives me time to concentrate on the urgent and the most important tasks, which helps me to maintain a good work-life balance. I schedule every task starting from an appointment with a doctor to a visit to the grocer easily on my Sony laptop. So imagine what would happen to me if something were to go wrong with my computer!

A week back I experienced a Computer problem related to booting of my Sony laptop. It refused to start on several occasions and all that I was left with was a black screen. Many a times the start up sound of Sony VAIO would ring but the system would immediately shut down. I knew that I was too naïve and inexperienced  to handle this problem on my own. My neighbor talked about remote assistance and various related services provided by iYogi. I wondered if they support Sony laptops and decided to call them on their toll free number. To my surprise and delight I found that iYogi had expert technicians who were capable of undertaking a complete diagnosis of my Sony laptop. They could troubleshoot all issues and problems related to my laptop. In no time they remotely accessed my system and fixed the problems that I was facing.  I felt reassured and more in control of my life. Yes, it's surprising how dependent I have become on the Sony laptop to organize my daily routine. But now, with the iYogi technicians providing 24x7 support services for my laptop, I need not worry about my schedule going haywire every time the machine stops working.  After all, life is all about finding the right solutions to your problems.


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