Monday, February 15, 2010

Computer Support

Now days, computer support is offered either through online or on-site. Online computer support offers many benefits when compared to on-site computer support. The main requisite for online computer support is an Internet connection with the system.
Whenever you face any technical issue with your computer, just contact your service provider and your issue gets resolved. Your system will be accessed by a technician through the remote connection after taking your permission. After accessing your system, technician will diagnose it carefully and after that performs the necessary action to resolve your technical issue.
Online computer support can be accessed from any part of the world unlike the on-site support. It takes less time in resolving your technical issues as compared to the time taken by service centre. Online support offers you a wide range of services for a fixed price, but this is not the case with on-site support.
Some of the services offered through online computer support are enlisted as:
·        Installation of new software
·        Diagnostic and repair of hardware issues
·        Troubleshooting
·        Update drivers and security to protect against online threats
·        PC optimization
·        Customizing your Internet, office suite, e-mail settings
·        Configuration of Web browsers for faster Internet access
·        Virus removal
·        Firewall installation
So, it is viable to say that online computer support is more beneficial in resolving technical issues.

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Technical Support: Online PC scan and Virus Removal

Monday, February 1, 2010

Technical Support: Online PC scan and Virus Removal

Viruses are basically the harmful programs which can enter into your computer through various means and can compromise the safety and security of your PC. When your computer system gets infected with viruses, you can easily recognize it because of your computer’s malfunctioning.
·         Some of the common signs of virus infection are as follows:
·          Your computer system crashes or reboots automatically.
·         Hard disk data present in your computer system gets corrupted
·         Hard disk is not detected or is not booting.
·         Computer becomes very slow in performing even normal operations like saving a file, copying data etc.
·         Some of the application software installed on your computer system crashes
·         Random messages appear on the monitor.
If you want to check the presence of viruses in your computer, you can scan your PC online and get a spyware blocker installed. Scanning your PC online will inform you about any infected files present in your system. Various online PC scanners are available from companies like Kaspersky, BitDefender, F-Secure, and many others.
Online PC scanner will run in a browser window on your computer system. There is no need for its installation. Online PC scanner is able to remove only those viruses which are already present on your computer system. However, it will not provide any protection in future. For complete computer security and virus removal from your PC in present date as well as in future you should install updated antivirus software on your computer system.  

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